New Occidental Poetry


Be all that you can be the self help books say
I tried to read the fucking things, every fucking day
I knew what they meant but it didn’t make sense
It was a bunch of fucking rules
To follow along and one day you be strong enough to be free
Fuck! That didn’t help me
Like what to do when a dog bites your balls
Or a friend tries to fuck you over
Stuff like that, the practical stuff, the every day stuff, the meat in the sandwich of life stuff?
Well maybe not the being bitten in the balls by a vicious, disturbed dog 
There probably is someone being bitten in the balls right now though
No, self help books can’t even help themselves
They fill your head with helpful knowledge and nice platitudes and compliments about yourself
Then shut up and expect you to figure it all out, sort out all the helpless shit
On the road to unattainable perfection
Perfection is boring
Imperfection is interesting
So I’m going to stay imperfect In all my fucked up glory
And all the fractures within me
Will act like a prism reflecting light
Rainbows to make the world just a little bit better this dark night

-Greg Reid

Arthur Powell