New Occidental Poetry

Thus Spoke the Noble Wolf

Amid the wake of failure 
In the capturing of a crumbling state, 
A Wolf of Noble stature 
Dared not capitulate. 

Instead the chains and iron bars 
Were taken in full stride. 
Embraced was the morality of the stars,*
And only refined and strengthened was pride. 

Lessons from an early artistic life,
And those from the bloody fields,
Arose wisdom sharp as a knife,
And the following words did yield: 

Those who want to live, let them fight. 
Those who do not want to fight, 
in this world of eternal struggle,
do not deserve to live.

Heed these words and heed them well, 
Lament not the struggles of the days, 
Make manifest the words of the Noble Wolf, 
The overgrown trail lies ahead, ready for us to set ablaze.

-Dietrich H. Wright

*See Star Morality by Friedrich Nietzsche.

Arthur Powell