New Occidental Poetry

The Gods

The names of Gods are vibrant when invoked
But do they matter? Can hailing them down
From nothing bring them to bear on us here?
The short answer is no, but the wrong answer.

Drinking to Dionysius or Bacchus
Matters little. What matters is boozing
Has a mind its own that is within us.
And the same thing goes for love and fury.

Does Hitler have a place in the pantheon?
Has he been classed the Loki of the Gods,
And by whom? The tattered Christ casts Loki.
We think about him not unreligiously.

That being said, I love him, Jesus,
Because I know him greater than the rest.
I have seen a red halo in my dreams
Behind his head. I know he is for me.

The others? Well, I have not the experience
To disprove them. All I can say is
My impulses are for crucifixion
As Venus’s are for something like love.

-Frederick Pace

Arthur Powell