New Occidental Poetry

The Green Man and The Wild Man

I am of the wind and the trees
Haunting your lands for you are gone
Away to where none knows not
Know this.
Your eternal greenery withers

Abandoned once you left the trees
Choking on cities fumes
The wind, dies down.
For I am the essence of this place
I exist.
As sure as the seas do crash
Upon the ancient shores of memory.

I am of the rivers and hills
Slipping away down the streams
Chemically Forgotten
Flowing to
But Once
A fair maidens hand outward reach
The mere, the loch, the llyn
Upon the mountains I watch as that ancient
King does grasp the Sword.

But it only glimmers there
Just light and shimmers
It fades out of essence

I am of the wind and the trees
Haunting your lands for you are gone...

-Arthur Powell

Arthur Powell