New Occidental Poetry

For Our Own Sake

There are aspects of this world that must not
Be allowed to hide in shadows. Puppet strings
That must not be disregarded. We’ve got
To reveal them, we’ve got to say the things
That must be said before our voices are
Washed away in political currents
That brook no dissent, give no safe harbor
To folk like us. Resistance will be bent
Back to ploughshares. We can’t fall silent now.
There’s still time to preserve all that is ours,
Before it is lost, before lies swallow
Up the truth. We must counter the powers
That say we are wrong because we undertake
To support what is right, for our own sake.

-Juleigh Howard-Hobson

Juleigh Howard-Hobson's work has appeared across the New Right. She has been published on Counter-Currents, Alternative Right, Occidental Quarterly, to name but a few. You can purchase her full length collection I Do Not Belong to the Baader Meinhof Group & Other Poems from Counter-Currents.

Arthur Powell